Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Eliza Alexandropoulou

Eliza Alexandropoulou is a graduate from the Drama Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with a degree in Set and Costume Design. For her stage design work, Eliza has been awarded the 1st UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts and her work has been presented at the 2007 PRAGUE QUADRENNIAL Exhibition.
She works in Athens and abroad as a stage lighting designer, counting several personal lighting designs for theatre plays and dance performances. Among others, she has collaborated with stage directors, such as Nikos Karathanos, Thomas Moschopoulos, Euripides Laskaridis, Katerina Evangelatos, Christos Papadopoulos, Iris Karayan, Argiro Chioti, Marianna Kavallieratos, Maria Panourgia, Efi Gousi, Charis Fragkoulis, Christos Passalis, Angeliki Papoulia, Syllas Tzoumerkas, Zoe Chatziantoniou, Christina Chatzivasileiou, Anestis Azas and Prodromos Tsinikoris. She has been awarded for her innovative lighting design in Relic performance (by E. Laskaridis, presented at Barbican Centre) at the Theatre and Technology Awards, Theatre Fullstop, London, October 2017, and won the gold prize for her lighting design in Elenit performance (by E. Laskaridis) at the Greek Lighting Awards, Athens, November 2021. In lighting design, except from her personal theatre work, she has explored the creative fields of light installation and public light art, as a founding and active member of the creative group Beforelight.

Latest updated: 16/10/2023

Eliza Alexandropoulou


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