Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Emmanouel Rovithis

Emmanouel Rovithis holds a PhD in Electronic Music Composition and works as Laboratory Teaching Staff (E.DI.P) at the Department of Audiovisual Arts of the Ionian University. He teaches courses related to the fields of Digital Audio Art and Educational Design, while his research focuses on the design of Audio Games and Audio Augmented Reality Environments, and their application in the fields of education, cultural heritage, tourism, entertainment, music creation. As a composer, he has worked in theater and cinema, collaborating with directors such as Mario Banushi, Georgia Mavragani, Esther Andre Gonzales, Makis Papadimitratos, Vicky Sachpazi, Justine Goussot, etc. As a designer of interactive audio applications, he has implemented personal compositions and installations, as well as educational software and workshops on behalf of organizations including the Friends of Music Association of the Athens Concert Hall, the Hellenic-American Educational Foundation and the Ionian University. His research and artistic work has been presented in international scientific journals, conferences, festivals and exhibitions.


Latest updated: 24/10/2023

Emmanouel Rovithis


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