Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Helene Habia Nzanga

Eleni Abia Nzanga was born in Congo in October 1991 and came to Greece at the age of one year. In 2007 with the theatre group of the Municipality of Ilioupolis Baobab and with the director-actress Gina Apostolopoulou they staged plays from the ancient Greek drama, the 20th century, and contemporary, at the open theatre Dimitris Kintis and at the Town Hall of Ilioupolis. In 2015 she passes to the Drama School “Diomidis Fotiadis” where she graduates as an actress. In 2017 she plays the role of Grandma Jazz in the play jazz for kids directed by Panagiotis Spiliopoulos, and in 2018 in the performance The Three Cosmonauts directed by Angeliki Pardalidou at Gloria Theatre. In 2021 she plays in the performance The Kitchen directed by Angeliki Girkinoudi, by Arnold Wesker at the Rematia Theatre in Chalandri, also in 2021 she participates to the play Antonio or the Message by Lula Anagnostakis directed by Christos Theodorides at the Plyfa Theatre. In 2022 she participates in Michael Marmarinos performance Once to be realised at the Onassis Cultural Centre, then again in 2022 she participates to the performance Whose are you directed by Angeliki Girkinoudi at the Atene summer Cinema. With the theatre group of ANASA cultural centre, she performed as an actor in the secondary education, on the outlying islands, in northern Greece and in schools in the centre of Athens. At the same time, during the 10-year period from 2011 to 2021 she collaborates with film directors, Yannaris in The Awakening of Spring and Jason Raftopoulos in Voice in Deep. In 2023 he participates in the music video of Pavlos Pavlidis directed by Christos Sarris. The last 5 years she has been a member of the traditional African dance and percussion group Ubuntu drum and dance.

Latest updated: 24/10/2023

Helene Habia Nzanga


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