Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Kenny MacLellan

Born in Glasgow. Studied printed textiles at Glasgow School of Arts and theatre design at Motleys School of Theatre Design in London, where he was awarded the Linbury Prize for Theatre Design.
Before moving to Athens, he worked with The Royal Shakespeare Company, The Royal Court, Traverse Theatre, TAG Theatre, Wexford Opera Festival, Opera De Montpellier and others.
Since moving to Greece, he has worked, amongst others, with The National Theatre, The State Theatre of Northern Greece (Thessaloniki), The Greek National Opera, New Israeli Opera, Theseum Ensemble, Municipal Theatre of Patra. He has participated in performances in The Athens Festival, Epidaurus, plus other theatre festivals in Brussels, Vienna, Warsaw, Cologne and Paris.
He has worked as an art director on various feature, short films, and t.v. adverts, winning the prize for best design for the film Tugo-Tugo at the festival for short films in Drama.
He teaches theatre design at the Advanced School of Dramatic Arts of the Municipal and Regional Theatre, Patra, mask making at Hydrama Theatre and Arts Centre, Hydra and collaborates on various seminarios  involving stage design.

Latest updated: 05/09/2024

Kenny MacLellan


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