Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Nikos Manesis

Nikos Manesis is an actor, he was born and lives in Athens.  He graduated from the "Delos" Drama School in 2018. An example of his work in the theater are the performances: Bacchies ... now spring has come.. (Roes theater) directed by the group and yet it moves, Phaedra (Proskinio theater) directed by Dimitris Karantzas, 9.25 (Athens Festival) under the direction of the group 'and yet it moves', Three Sisters (Veaki Theater) directed by Dimitris Karantzas, Oresteia- Eumenides (National Theatre) directed by Georgia Mavragani, The Bastards of Sisyphus (theater 14) directed by Dimitris Logothetis, Possessed (Mihalis Kakogiannis Foundation) directed by K. Hatzis, Not not not not not not enough oxygen by Carol churchill, (Open arts theater company) directed by Athena Kassiou, The lucky soldier by Xenia Kalogeropoulos and Thomas Moschopoulos (THOK) directed by Georgia Mavragani, Bacchies directed by K. Hatzis (Mihalis Kakogiannis Foundation), Prometheus Bound: a song of resistance (Philippe Festival) directed by Georgia Mavragani, Pentheas (DIPETHE Kavala) directed by the team 'and it moves', Uncle Vania the forests soften the man (all of Greece is a culture) directed by him. He took part in the films: NOVAC by Haris Lagousis, L' appel du vide by Eugenia Kougia, Prince Zampano - A poet of the city by S. Papakonstantinou, The Gun by Panagiotis Glynos.

Latest updated: 18/01/2024

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