Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Panagiotis Panagopoulos

Born in Athens. Honors graduate of Professional Journalism Workshop and Veaki Drama School. He is an actor, play-writer and director.
In 1993 he made his debut in Epidaurus with Lysistrata by Thimios Karakatsanis. Since then, he performed as an actor many times at National Greek Theater, Art Theater, Theater of Kefallinias Street and others.
Among others he was directed by: Minos Volanakis (A flea in her ear, Volpone the fox), Mimis Kougioumtzis (Plutus), Thomas Moshopoulos (Beauty and the beast), Kostas Tsianos (The Frogs, The Birds by Aristophanes), Vaggelis Theodoropoulos (Madame Sousou), Dimitris Oikonomou (Juno and the paycock), Niketi Kontouri (Oginski Polonaise), Nikos Mastorakis (The seagull, Le barbier de Seville, A Midsummer night’s dream, Pluto, It’s a family affair), Stathis Livathinos (The visit of the old lady, The murderess, Danton’s death, Woe from wit), Nikos Hatzopoulos (The tempest, The broken jug, with Akyllas Karazisis), Thanasis Sarantos (The ugly one) Yolanta Markopoulou (Ward No.6), Dimitris Degaitis (The comedy of errors) Georgia Mavragani (A big nostalgic song ,The Eumenides, A Dream Play), Antonis Antypas (Desire under the elms), Vasilis Papavasiliou (The impresario from Smyrna), Giannis Moschos (A Christmas carol, A bright room called day) He has also directed many theater plays for professional and amateur troupes. His plays that have been on stage: We’re looking for young men and women, 314, Street Cabaret directed by Kyriakos Katzourakis, Shall we drink one more or shall we go?
A bunch of violas, co-direction with Taksiarhis Hanos. At 2013 he won the First State Award for his play The closet.

Latest updated: 10/09/2024

Panagiotis Panagopoulos


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