Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Periklis Siountas

Graduate of the Drama School of National Theatre of Northern Greece (2019), of the National School of Dance-KSOT (2024) and a Senior student of the department of Music Science and Art, of the University of Macedonia, specializing in Classical Accordion (Bajan).
He has worked as an Actor, Musician and Dancer for organizations and companies like the National Theatre of Greece, the Greece National Opera, the National Theatre of Northern Greece, the Poreia Theatre, the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Patras, the Athens-Epidaurus festival etc.
He has collaborated with various artists including V. Papavasileiou, D. Tarlow, C. Graužinis, Th. Papakonstantinou, S. Kakalas, P. Koutras, Th. Abazis, A. Efklidis, A. Triantafyllou, K. Rigos, F. Evaggelinos, P. Apergi, A. L. Øyen, A. Foniadakis, M. Manoliadi, D. Sotiriou, E. Georgitsopoulou, O. Spiraki, Κh. Goyos, S. Kraounakis, N. Kipourgos, F. Delivorias etc.


Latest updated: 10/09/2024

Periklis Siountas


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