Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Spyros Polychronopoulos

Spyros Polychronopoulos was born in Athens, Greece in 1980. His interest in sound, both as a physical phenomenon as well as a form of art, began at an early age. He holds a degree in Physics and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Patras, Greece. His thesis focused on tuning the acoustics of closed spaces. After relocating to London, UK in 2014, he gained three years of practical experience working as an acoustic consultant. Then he moved to Brighton, UK where he worked as a Research Fellow in the Informatics Department at the University of Sussex, researching ‘Human-computer Interaction for Acoustic Levitation’. He has published a number of papers in the field of acoustics and one of his works “acoustic levitation with optimized reflective metamaterials” was awarded as it reached 10th position out of the most downloaded papers in 2020 in Nature Scientific Reports. Further to his research in sound, he has developed unique sound objects (i.e. LEM), released 17 albums and performed a number of concerts around the world. Spyros regularly leads workshops and lectures on new technologies in composition and aesthetics of sound. He currently works as a researcher, on digital simulation of ancient Greek instruments, and as a lecturer, teaching music technology and image processing, at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Greece.

Latest updated: 08/06/2023

Spyros Polychronopoulos


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