Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Stelios Papardelas

Born in Larisa and raised in Crete, he began his photography journey in 2006 at the University of Crete's photographic society. Since 2009, his travels to over 50 countries have fueled his personal project “In Touch.” In 2014, he was awarded by the president of Greece and gave his first TEDx talk, “Surpassing Comfort Zone.” That year, he also launched his project “Out of Touch.”
In 2015, he co-founded "Comeet Creative Space," organizing over 250 cultural events. His documentary Eternal Present (2016), about migrants, aired on Greek National Television.
His work has been featured in 100 Great Street Photographs (2017) and international outlets such as National Geographic and VICE. Since 2011, he has exhibited globally, including at the United Nations.
His solo collection Duality premiered in 2019 at the Museum of Natural History in Heraklion. In 2023, his documentary The Life Beyond for the ICRC was awarded by several festivals and premiered at the Red Cross Museum in Geneva. He also hosts the podcast "Two Fish Wonder What is Water," studies Social Anthropology at Panteion University, and performs as an on-stage cinematographer in the theater production “OUTRO.” www.stylianospapardelas.com

Latest updated: 16/10/2024

Stelios Papardelas


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