Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο


by Georgios Chortatsis

From 05.01.2012 to 02.03.2012


Erofili, daughter of Filogonos, the harsh and unjust king of Egypt, has secretly married Panaretos, one of her father’s brave soldiers.
When Filogonos decides that his daughter should marry another suitor, and chooses Panaretos to act as a go-between, the clandestine union of the two young lovers comes to light.
Philogonos resolves to be revenged on the couple in the cruelest, bloodiest and most macabre way….

The director of the production, Dimos Avdeliodis, has taken an experimental approach to this most popular tragedy of Cretan theatre, written in about 1600 by the great poet Georgios Chortatsis. Avdeliodis, known for his particular interest in speech and rhythm, brings out all the richness of this superb piece of Greek Renaissance drama as a piece of live theatre. Seven actors are involved in this innovative project, which will be performed in the Ziller Building Hall.

media galleryphotos by © Myrto Apostolidou


by Georgios Chortatsis


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