On 28 October 1940, war breaks out in Greece, turning the life of nine-year-old Petros upside-down. In the midst of this new and dangerous situation, the young boy sets off on a long walk full of adventure and excitement, through which he will learn to love his country above all else. Liberation from the Germans four years later finds him playing in the streets, a man, now, 13 years old!
Alki Zeis unique storytelling powers combine the drama and suspense of war with a child's eye view, making Petross War one of the most genuine and best-loved tales about this period of Greek history. This stage adaptation is directed by Takis Tzamargias, renowned for his long experience in education, and vividly brings to life the characters and ideas of one of Greeces greatest writers.
creation team
Savvas Kyriakidis - Takis Tzamargias
Adapted by -
Takis Tzamargias
Directed by -
Eleni Manolopoulou
Designed by -
Dimitris Zavros
Music composed by -
Sakis Birbilis
Lighting designed by -
Christos Dimas
Video -
Amalia Bennett
Movement -
Dimitris Zavros
Lyrics -
Melina Peonidou
Music coach -
Smaro Kotsia
Assistant director -
Maria Karananou
Dramaturg -
Nevi Kaninia
Efi Goussi
Antigoni -
Giannis Diamantis
Giannis, Italian soldier, Psileas -
Andreas Kontopoulos
Jurter, Mike, Achilleas, Kyrios Loukatos -
Kostis Koronaios
Father, Puppeteer -
Anita Kouli
Drosoula -
Dimitra Larentzaki
Kyria Leventi, Nioura -
Giorgos Mazis
Grandfather -
Michalis Moulakakis
Sotiris -
Dimitris Passas
Petros -
Grigoris Stamoulis
Uncle Angelos, Interpretor, Kostas Agarinos -
Eleana Stravodimou
Rita -
Maria Tsima
Mother -