Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Alice in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll

From 13.06.2009 to 27.09.2009


Alice discovers an extraordinary world of adventure when she follows the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. But that is not all, for Alice’s landing is far from smooth and she breaks into three: body, heart and mind.
The weird and wonderful universe in Vassilis Mavrogeorgiou’s radical reworking of Lewis Carroll’s "Alice in Wonderland» is a place where young and old alike will be able to recognize something of themselves. The three Alices know that they will never be happy unless they can find one another and that something will always be missing. They will return to the world above once the mind understands the heart, the heart feels the body and the body embraces both.


Summer Tour

media galleryphotos by © Mihalis Kloukinas

Alice in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll


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