Three English kings in the period of civil strife known as the Wars of the Roses, a time of plots, lies and murder most foul, peopled by bellicose women, unprincipled leaders, incompetents and lechers. No promise is kept for long; no oath is sacred. Moral barriers and all the buttresses erected by society have been swept away by the thirst for power or in the race to grab a few acres of land. This abandonment of conscience is as common in todays democracies as it was in the feudal society of medieval England.
The members of the newly established Omada 1272 theatre company, who have appeared in a number of previous collective productions, have dissected Shakespeares Henry VI parts 1, 2 and 3 and Richard III, to demonstrate, through the example of the Wars of the Roses, historys well-known tendency to repeat itself as farce.