Faust is suffocating in his dark study, having learned everything but knowing nothing. In response to his craving for the ultimate experience, the knowledge of true happiness, the sinister visitor Mephistopheles offers him a tempting solution.
Under the wager Faust makes with him,if he experiences even a single moment of happiness, then he will forfeit his soul.With his strange companion, he embarks on a journey of unending surprises thatculminates in Faust taking on the challenge of love, in the idealised form of Margaret.
In this experimental New Stage production, the work is divided into five parts and is presented from five different points of view.At its heart are very modern concerns: the limitations of knowledge and rationalism, a return to innocence, the magic of love, the tendency to be absolutist and the touching inconsistencies of human nature.Young actors and directors of proven pedigree join forces in a bold and original venture that seeks to bring this classic text to the stage in a vibrant, modern version.
creation team
Petros Markaris
The text used in the production is based on a translation by -
Giorgos Gallos
Direction -adaptation -
Elena Karakouli
Dramaturgy -
Eva Manidaki
Set design -
Kyriaki Tsitsa
Costume design -
Henri Kergomard
Music -
Stavroula Siamou
Movement -
Tasos Palaioroutas
Lighting design -
Vassilis Mavrogeorgiou
Direction -adaptation -
Argyris Xafis
Direction -adaptation -
Blitz (Giorgos Valais
Direction -adaptation -
Angeliki Papoulia
Direction -adaptation -
Christos Passalis)
Direction -adaptation -
Argyro Hioti
Direction -adaptation