Sometimes they call you Maria, sometimes Mary; sometimes Maro and sometimes Maraki. Some see you as Maria from the grocery store and some as the mother of God or their heart's desire. Βut what are you really? Other people's diminutives? Other people's gazes? Or their conclusions about you? Even you view yourself as something α little better than what you are. Or at times, much worse. What are you really? Perhaps a leaky boat in an old harbour, with MAIROULA written on the side in faded letters, having your picture taken by all the tourists who want to say that they passed this way too?
The monologue that Lena Kitsopoulou wrote for the National Theatre of Greece and directed together with Maria Protopappa returns for a limited number of performances. Kitsopoulous torrential writing meets Protopappas talent in a production that met with great success last season.