Something that is presumably human speaks something that is presumably a language, narrating a tragic tale of ideals, honour, values and beliefs, in which blood is shed, land is occupied, civilisations rise and fall, planets war and stars collide. It is also, however, a tale in which tenderness, innocent childrens voices, and, above all, love can be discerned. Otherwise pleasant creatures form teams, groups, associations, congregations, parties, unions, clubs, assemblies, societies, nations, states, empires, multinational companies and galactic alliances, stripping their environment of its natural resources and their very existence of its intellectual grit.
Thessalonikis Horos Theatre Company, which made a name for itself in Athens with productions of Golfo Reloaded!, The Apokopos and (for the GNT) Melted Butter, continues its investigation of drama that break the rules of theatrical convention. The work to be performed at the Contemporary Theatre of Athens will be created during rehearsals.