Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

The magic pillows

by Eugene Trivizas

From 16.10.2009 to 28.05.2010


In the land of the greedy King Arpatilaos, Sundays are banned, along with birthday parties, children's playgrounds and even hiccups! Everyone works day and night to fill the king's vaults with diamonds. With his new invention, the Nightmare Pillows, the king’s fiendish adviser, Savrilios Vriselie, even plans to put an end to people's dreams, so that they will work even harder, without moaning and complaining. He is thwarted, though, by a group of children, who, helped by their teacher, attempt to put an end to his terrible plot.
Favourite children's author Eugene Trivizas, in his first collaboration with the National Theatre of Greece, adapts his own multi-award winning tale for the Children's Theatre. The production is directed by Giannis Kakleas, who is renowned for the inventiveness and imagination of his work, while the cast is made up of a group of young and highly talented actors.

media galleryphotos by © Evi Fylaktou

The magic pillows

by Eugene Trivizas


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