Determined to make a success of himself, young Glumov uses every means at his disposal to inveigle himself into the bosom of the Russian bourgeoisie. Flattery, declarations of love, slavish devotion and slander are just some of the strategies he pursues in order to marry into a wealthy family. Such is his audacity that he keeps a diary of his exploits and what he really thinks of the people around him. Yet even when his diary is discovered, his intrigues are so well hidden that many of those he has fooled step forward to speak on his behalf.
This masterpiece by Alexander Ostrovsky, one of the pioneers of Russian realism, is almost unknown in Greece. It is a harsh critique of vacuity, vapidity and vanity coupled with a merciless comic sensibility and breakneck action. This is the first GNT production helmed by the experienced Giannis Kakleas, who is renowned for his inspired creativity and will be working with a group of well-known and major actors.
creation team
Leonidas Karatzas
Translation -
Yannis Kakleas
Adaptation -
Yannis Kakleas
Direction -
Manolis Pantelidakis
Set design -
Eleni Manolopoulou
Costume design -
Iakovos Drosos
Musical supervision -
Kyriakos Kosmidis
Movement -
Sakis Birbilis
Lighting design -
Pindaros Andriopoulos
Image processing -
Vivi Spathoula
Dramaturg -
Nourmala Easty
Assistant to the director -
Leonidas Karatzas
Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos
Glumov -
Sofia Seirli
His mother -
Giorgos Ikonomou
Stiopka -
Laertes Vasileiou
Kurchaev -
Sotiris Tsakomidis
Golutvin -
Maria Tsima
Manefa -
Dimitris Piatas
Mamaev -
Giannis Dalianis
Krutitski -
Filareti Komninou
Mamaeva -
Themis Panou
Gorodulin -
Eleni Kokkidou
Turusina -
Kora Karvouni
Masenka -
Gennadios Patsis
Grigory -
Eugenia Zekeri
Matriosa -
Christianna Matzourani
Lubinka -
Afroditi Kleovoulou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Lambros Ktenavos
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Giorgos Kyriakou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Aris Laskos
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Myrto Panagou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Natasha Papandreou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Philippos Papachristodoulou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Katerina Patsiani
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Giannis Pimenidis
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Eleana Stravodimou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Fivos Simeonidis
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Evangelia Syriopoulou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School -
Iovi Frangatou
Also taking part in the production are the following first year students from the GNT Drama School