Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

The Diary of a Scoundrel

by Alexander Ostrovsky

From 14.02.2009 to 12.04.2009


Determined to make a success of himself, young Glumov uses every means at his disposal to inveigle himself into the bosom of the Russian bourgeoisie. Flattery, declarations of love, slavish devotion and slander are just some of the strategies he pursues in order to marry into a wealthy family. Such is his audacity that he keeps a diary of his exploits and what he really thinks of the people around him. Yet even when his diary is discovered, his intrigues are so well hidden that many of those he has fooled step forward to speak on his behalf.
This masterpiece by Alexander Ostrovsky, one of the pioneers of Russian realism, is almost unknown in Greece. It is a harsh critique of vacuity, vapidity and vanity coupled with a merciless comic sensibility and breakneck action. This is the first GNT production helmed by the experienced Giannis Kakleas, who is renowned for his inspired creativity and will be working with a group of well-known and major actors.

media galleryphotos by © Marilena Stafylidou


The Diary of a Scoundrel

by Alexander Ostrovsky


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