The Goldonian wit of The impresario from Smyrna, written in 1757, shows that we will never run out of material for a hilarious comedy of manners. The wealthy merchant Ali intends to introduce opera to Smyrna and turns to two agents to help him organise his company. Ali is attracted to three sopranos, but their constant squabbling over who will be the troupe’s prima donna and the ridiculous demands of everyone involved make him regret his decision.
Through this simple premise, Goldoni takes us behind the scenes at the opera, boldly focussing on the artists’ vain pretensions and arrogant outbursts, but also giving us a glimpse of their fragile romanticism, showing how they are consumed by the lifestyle they mythologise. It is precisely this dizzying back-and-forth between lofty ambition and pettiness that has inspired Vasilis Papavasiliou to return to the great reformer of Italian comedy, offering his own vision of the camaraderie of the theatre.
Wednesday & Thursday| Premium seats €18 | Zone A €16|Zone B €15
Friday| General admission €13
Saturday, Sunday & public holidays| Premium seats €25 | Zone A €20 | Zone B (lower circle) €18 | Zone C (upper circle) €10
Special prices
Student/youth (up to 28 years of age)
€10 (not including premium seats)
Wednesday| €10 (not including premium seats)
Thursday – Sunday| €13 (not including premium seats)
every day (not including premium seats) €5
(every day) €5| disabled companion €5
Large families
every day |(not including premium seats) €10
Entrance for drama school students, members of Greek Actors Union, and Theatre Studies Students is free (does not apply at weekends).
On bank Holidays, weekend prices apply.
Restricted view seats €10
NTG box offices are closed on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
At NTG box offices (Ziller Building & Rex Theatre)
Debit or Credit cards may be used at NTG box offices and
at TIcketservices, online purchase of tickets: Tel: 210 7234567/ Ticketoffice: Panepistimiou 39 (Pesmazoglou Arcade)
Wednesday & Sunday |19:00
Thursday, Friday, Saturday | 20:30
17, 20, 23, 27 & 30/12 | 17:00
2/1 | 20:30
from 3/1
Wednesday & Saturday | 17:00
Thursday & Friday | 20:30
Sunday | 21:00
On18 & 20-21/1 the part of "Lucrezia" is being played by Smaragda Kakkinou
On 20 & 21/1 the part of "Soprano" is being played by Katerina Plexida.
Duration: 100'
creation team
Louisa Mitsakou
Translation, production text -
Vasilis Papavasileiou
Director, production text -
Nikoleta Filosoglou
Associate director -
Angelos Mentis
Sets & costumes -
Fokas Evagelinos
Choreography -
Giorgos Dousos
Music -
Lefteris Pavlopoulos
Lighting -
Erie Kyrgia
Dramaturg -
Evi Nakou
First directing assistant -
Panos Apostolopoulos
Second driecting assistant -
Alegia Papageorgiou
Design assistant -
Konstantinos Koliousis
Hair design -
Olga Faleichyk
Makeup design
Antonis Antoniadis
Harem boy, musician -
Panos Apostolopoulos
Servant, musician -
Aliki Zaharopoulou
Harem girl -
Vasia Zacharopoulou
Soprano -
Smaragda Kakkinou
Cleaner, musician -
Alexis Kotsopoulos
Set designer, musician -
Dafne Labrogianni
Lucrezia -
Laertis Malkotsis
Pasqualino -
Ioanna Mavrea
Annina -
Spyros Bibilas
Nibio -
Alexandros Mylonas
Count Lasca -
Agoritsa Oikonomou
Tognina -
Panagiotis Panagopoulos
Beltrame -
Themis Panou
Ali, a Turkish impresario -
Katerina Plexida
Cleaner, musician -
Periklis Siountas
Acrobat, musician -
Eva Fraktopoulou
Cleaner, musician -
Taxiarhis Hanos
Carluccio -
Stratos Christou