Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Stage Walkers

by Stamatis Fasoulis

From 15.07.2011 to 24.09.2011


It is the end of the second century. The Roman Empire is crumbling: it is the end of an era.
Amidst the atmosphere of collapse and decline, three theatre companies arrive at an ancient theatre from three different parts of the Empire and set up their own improvised drama competition modelled on those of the glorious past....

In a thrilling work of theatre that delves back in time from the origins of ancient Greek writing to the Roman period, the history of the theatre is brought to life on stage. Extracts from tragedies and comedies by Greek and Roman poets, songs and speeches, mime, sport, fighting, acrobatics and dramatic displays with fire – elements of the Roman arena – make for a colourful, diverse and mesmerising spectacle!

It is a production that touches us in the present by analogy with the past, alternating laughter and tears with a nod and a wink to today's audiences. It will premiere on July 15 and 16 at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus and will then tour throughout Greece.


Summer Tour

media galleryphotos by © George Kavallierakis

Stage Walkers

by Stamatis Fasoulis


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