Deadline for applications extended | 2nd Artistic Residency at the National Theatre of Greece and other European theatres
Deadline for applications extended
until November 6
In the spring of 2024, the National Theatre of Greece launched its Artistic Residencies programme for European theatres, hosting three young artists from Romania, Hungary and Lithuania, and sending three Greek artists to Romania, Lithuania and Italy in collaboration with theatres in those countries.
The National Theatre of Greece is now embarking on a second Artistic Residency Programme at the NTG and other European theatres, and is inviting emerging artists up to the age of 39, regardless of gender, who are based in the European Union and are active in the field of theatre as writers, directors, and dramaturgs, to register their interest in participating.
On the one hand, three artists of Greek nationality will have the opportunity to be hosted by a major European theatre organisation, working with its staff and learning how the theatre operates, while familiarising themselves with current artistic trends and the cultural life of the host city, in order to broaden their theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
On the other hand, three emerging artists, regardless of gender, who are nationals of an EU member state (not including Greece), are based in the European Union and meet the above conditions, will collaborate with the National Theatre of Greece, familiarising themselves with the current artistic trends and cultural life of Athens, and sharing important experiences in terms of their own theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
The Artistic Residency programme covers a period of up to 75 days and will take place between January and May 2025.
The Residencies Programme is one of the “National Theatre of Greece Outreach Initiatives” (code ΟΠΣ ΤΑ 5167037) implemented in the framework of the “Greece 2.0” National Recovery and Resilience Plan with funding from the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
More information about the programme, applications, and the conditions for participation:
Greek nationals interested in collaborating with European theatres (outside Greece) click here.
Nationals of any EU member state (not including Greece) interested in collaborating with the National Theatre of Greece click here.
Latest updated: 30/10/2024