Εθνικό ΘέατροΕθνικό Θέατρο

Nikos Gialelis

Nikos Yalelis was born in Thessaloniki. He graduated from the “Veaki” Drama School (1998) and from the Department of Communication and Media of the National University of Athens (2007). He holds a Master’s Degree in Cultural Management from Panteion University (2020), where he has been working on his PhD thesis since 2020. In 2002-2003 he attended the Acting and Directing Workshop of the Experimental Stage of the National Theatre of Greece (Acting). In Greece he has worked with the National Theatre of Greece, the Onassis Foundation – Stegi, Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Regional Theatres of Patras, Rhodes and Larissa, as well as with many Independent Theatres, Groups and Companies. From 2009 to 2013 he has worked in France, in Théâtre des Amandiers (Paris – Nanterre) and Théâtre Liberté (Toulon).



Latest updated: 18/04/2024

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